Tuesday, September 8, 2009

As I already told, I am a fanatic horsewoman. Riding My horse and sitting high above submissives makes Me feel very powerful over the low creatures beneath Me. It arises Me extremely. Especially the knowledge that they fear My spurred boots and whip turns Me on. I wonder if other riders have this same feeling (or am I the only one?) In order to demonstrate My control over the mighty beast I am riding, I often make it suffer a bit.
I must admit that I have no intention of hurting it, but it shows My power over the strong horse and the male bystanders.
I found out that a lot of males look at You when. So Riding Ladies, watch them the next time You go out for a ride. I even found out that some males deliberately were walking along the trail I used to follow on set times. I might tell you something more about that if you want. Just let Me know. Today unfortunately I do not have much time.Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. Honored Lady Contessa Pat,

    It surely is impressive to see a beautiful Lady like You to control a large beast and demonstrate the powerful dominance achieved by training and the tools like whips and spurs. I'm sure it has effect on everybody, but especially on the submissives who involuntarily must be thinking of themselves to be trained and disciplined like that...
