Friday, September 20, 2024

French Friends…! Part 2

When We came inside Brigitte’s house, She invited Us to the cellar that was completely equipped like a dungeon and where one of the “cibles” was fixed to a whipping cross at the wall. On the opposite side more than twenty whips and other items that could be used to make someone suffer were on display on a large table.

“Come on Ladies, lets make him bleed!” Brigitte instigated Us, but their was no need for pushing Us and in no time We were whipping the slave the three of Us simultaneously: Three sadistic Ladies using Their well chosen whips on the defenceless naked body in front of Us! 

The slave constantly moving insofar the cuffs and ropes allowed the movements since he got nearly constantly lashes on his body that had become completely red in no time and on which several old cuts were being ripped open again by Our biting lashes. Like that small rivulets of blood started run down at several spots on his back. But even then, he did not scream yet, only produced some muffled sounds each time a somewhat harder lash came home.

And than We decided on a procedure that guaranteed the cruellest whipping: One by one We’d whip him three times and the first One that succeeded to make him scream and beg to stop would win the small at the spot created competition. Like that Laurence hit him three times and I could see that he had to grit his teeth not to scream it out and I realised that I only had to hit him a little bit harder to get him over the edge, and indeed, with My second hit a managed that he could no longer resist and screamed it out! Of course, that was not the end of it since We had never said that We’d stop whipping him after he gave in…. hahahahahahahaa…. and thus We continued whipping him in series of three until his back was bleeding like probably never before! To be honest I was shocked at myself afterwards when I saw how We had damaged him! I was surprised We had gone that far, but in the so called “heat of the fight” One risks to forget boundaries. But afterall, Brigitte had told Us, when introducing them, that they both were hardened and experienced slaves that wanted a whipping till bleeding!  

Anyway, the second one got pretty much the same “treatment”, but he had seen how his fellow slave had been whipped to shreds and begged from the beginning not to go that far on him. I had never seen or heard a slave (painslut) that normally longs for a whipping, begging for this before even the first lash was launched at him! We must have made some impression! However, also he had to endure a serious whipping during which he was blindfolded and had to tell each time who administered the whiplash. We had told him he’d get 3 from each of Us, but this number would be increased each time he guessed wrong. Each time he was right, We’d subtract one lash. Of course We hit him in a random order and changed whips very frequently, not to make it too easy for him. I guess he must have had more than thirty! By the time We had finished with him, Brigitte’s slave nick had also finished nursing the wounds on the first whipping boy’s back and could start with the second one.

After the slaughtering, We went back upstairs where Brigitte had ordered two slaves to sit on their knees, legs spread. I recognized them as the “garcons de bottes” and the tallest of them explained that they were there to give Us the opportunity to test Our boots… With a smile I took the invitation and I kicked both straight in the balls and also Laurence followed My example and kicked one straight in his “manhood”.

The boots several slaves got to 

encounter more closely this weekend.



These boots are made for kicking… 

That is what they do… 

One of this days these boots are gonna kick all over you…!

 At that moment, We got the idea to kick them again a few times and have them tell Us, Who had the cruellest kick or boots, and of course We called the other Ladies to join Us in the little “competition”.

I was sure that both slaves would agree that My kicks are the hardest and cruellest. I guessed that My pointed Western boots guaranteed that. And indeed, they did! So, We had both slaves blindfolded and then Me, Laurence, Brigitte and Dea each kicked the slaves three times in the groin! Honestly, I admitted that most probably it were mainly My lovely Westerns that made the difference…

After that, I had become thirsty and had a few drinks while the two “ballboys” had to kiss, worship and tongue-clean the boots that had nearly destroyed their manhood.   

And then, I saw that Laurence’s slave philippe was available and since I knew that this much younger slave is very skilled in licking his Mistress to orgasm, I pointed at him, ordering him to My boots as well. After having him kissed My boots, I grabbed his hair and ordered him (together with the slaves that were kissing My boots) upstairs. No need to tell you what followed… 

Lady Contessa Pat


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