Wednesday, September 4, 2024


I know that it has been quite some time that I wrote something here, but that simply was because I had not much interesting to “report”. Last months were a bit ordinary with only some daily urging and (mild) punishing of My slaves and servants, and, of course, two lovely vacations during which I unfortunately had no slaves at My disposal! But,… I hope that this will change within two weeks when I will visit and see My French Friends and these “meetings” always are… heavy!

Nevertheless, I also had a nice riding trip to the Ardennes last weekend with My Friend (also Domme). We also had taken two slaves (My Friend had taken her slave while I had ordered one of My servants to “join”) to have some extra fun and to have several refreshments and snacks at our disposal during the ride. After all, it was around 30 degrees Celsius on Sunday and thus We could use some of that and two beasts of burden to carry all of it, including a few good bullwhips, in their backpacks. So, We had them come to specific spots deep in the woods, at a special remote spot (I had been visiting before already a few times) where no hikers or other “tourists” come. Here of course, We could have Our riding boots tongue-cleaned (while in the stirrups), use them as a step to mount and dismount, sit on them, use them as footstool,… and after having reached a second (likewise) spot, We took Our bullwhips from the backpack and uncoiled them…

Then, We snapped and cracked the leather business ends in the air to make Our slaves shiver for what could come. As you might know I like long bullwhips very much, BUT at the same time I think they are a bit unhandy for inside use. That is why I had taken the opportunity to use them this weekend at this remote place. Both slaves started begging Us not to use Our whips on them, but of course that was in vain and so they kept on begging for mercy after We had “started”.  Already five lashes later, My servant michael had sagged on his knees in front of the tree, as a sign that he could no longer cope with it. Being too good, I stopped lashing him and asked My Friend to “help” Her and the next five minutes or so, Her slave dirk was bullwhipped by two eager whiphands! Also this “hardened” and experienced slave sagged to the tree after this five minutes and begged to stop what he called slaughtering him. To be honest, We did not even draw blood, only created some distinct red streaks!

Anyway, We had enjoyed Ourself and after Our toys had kissed Our whiphands they placed themselves again as footstools to mount Our mounts and tongue-clean Our boots again as soon as We were in the saddle again. After all, Our boots had become dusty by then and one cannot let Ladies like Us ride in dirty boots, can he? We only saw them back after the ride at the parking place where Our cars and van was left. We had Our slaves take care of the horses while We left for diner in a simple, but cosy restaurant and once again, I found out that Women in riding outfit always can count on lustful glances from men…

Lady Contessa Pat aka Madam Kommandante


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