Saturday, February 2, 2019

"Salty" winter

With the snow also the slippery roads appear. In Belgium they solve this by strewing special salt on it. As a result our cars get soiled with this brine.

Normally I have My cars extensively cleaned by My slaves and I have some parts even licked clean by them. That goes for the accelerator and brake pedals since they are most of the times in touch with My precious boots… hahahahahaaaa…
But sometimes, I also have them lick My tyres clean. I have talked about this years ago with some Domme friends and some of them also use their slaves in this way since.
However, a few days ago I got a message from one of My German Friends that her slave had gone seriously ill by licking clean the tyres of her car.
My slaves told Me that indeed the tyres taste different and salt-like in wintertime when there is snow or frost, but none of them got ill by it.
I wonder whether the salt used in Germany is different from the salt used in Belgium? And thus how save is it to have My slaves lick the tyres of My cars clean in wintertime? Has anybody information on this?

Lady Contessa Pat


  1. All the automotive chemicals that end up on the road, like antifreeze, oil, and brake fluid, are poisonous and can cause serious damage. They can get mixed in with dirt and form a slurry that gets packed into the treads of the tires. Very risky to ingest.

  2. i have not licked tires yet, but I have licked the salt off of my wifes boots with no ill effects. But then again, I love licking boots.

  3. Different salts and other materials are used: NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, MgCl2, calcium magnesium acetate...with different physiologial effects.

  4. If they fell ill because of the salt intake, it has most likely little to do with other chemicals, but rather with the amount of salt. Whilst road salt is already marked as not fit for human consumption due to the amount of impurities, it is probably the metabolic effect of the salt that will have caused a reaction.

    The phenomenon is well known by veterinaries who occasionally need to treat dogs that become unwell from licking their paws after a walk through salty snow.
    An article & video post about this (in Dutch): ;
