Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Granny’s hunting whip!

Granny's hunting whip

When I was today at My parents, My Mum showed Me a hunting whip from My grandmother that she had found in the attic. Since Mum knows I am a fanatic horsewoman and she herself stopped riding for years, she gave the whip to Me. I am delighted because it is a piece of craftmenship. A quality hard to find these days! And I have just tried it on jan. It indeed is a fantastic weapon!

Knowing the gossip about my grandma, I think it might have used for more than hunting…. Knowing that she also used it excites Me, it is just like when I found that special whip I found in her cellar after she died. Maybe it is just My imagination, but I believe My sexual preferences and sadistic nature are inherited…



Lady Contessa Pat



  1. Ahem, there is a very valuable gift. Would investigating a small one after the granny's other legacy not be worthy? Some interesting memoranda or pictures etc. were left over maybe in some secret safe.
