Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fun in the Dungeon

When abroad or on holidays, I always like to visit castles and dungeons. The one I visited lately was one I had great interest in. The guide told us that it that the dungeon had been used by the Countess to punish and torture paysants and servants that she didn’t like.
She was married to the old Count with an aged difference of more than 40 years.
According to the guide, the legend says that she used to lock up young men in the dungeon and torture them if their young bride didn’t serve her. The girls could only save their husband from severe torture by serving the Mistress! Someone in the group asked with a big smile what this “service”could have been then. “Anything that the Countess might have liked” the answer came with an even bigger smile. Everyone probably thinking the same, nobody saying it loud.
One of the anecdotes was that She had ravished the old Count into a horse and rode him during the night in her hunt for new girls. Of course everyone realizes that this is just a legend based on phantasy, but as I discussed this later with My friend Myriam, there might be something about it: isn’t it possible that the old count was a kind of masochist and the young Countess a Dominant that used her “husband” as a ponyboy? Is it a coincidence that it was said that she rode him only during the night? Then tell Me, what is the most probable time a couple like them would release their sexual desires?
Isn’t it that all ferytales have some origin in reality?
So, we came to the conclusion that indeed this is a place of great historical value and that is why I asked Myriam to take a picture of Me in the dungeon where possibly for years the most sadistic “excessen” took place.
Our imagination went wild when later in the hotel we discussed the place and what might have happened there…

Lady Contessa Pat

Of course, I could not leave the historical place without a picture of Me in it!

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