The following is a message I sent a few months ago on My Yahoo-blog. As this Yahoo-feature will shut down, I resend the blogs on it to this one. The following is the first from a series:
I want to come back to a message I published on My blog some time ago The reason is that I got a mail from someone who was supprised that My slaves are in general more frightened for My boots than My whipsYesterday, I was discussing the effects of boots and spurs on a slave’s behaviour. Since years I have discovered that My slaves are far more afraid for My boots, and especially when I have some spurs attached to them. It always surprises Me as I think that My whip is far more cruel and can cause much more pain, being able to make very nasty stripes without so little effort of Me. He told Me that it is not the pain he is so afraid of, but rather the damage My boots and spurs can do to a slave’s body. I have seen that indeed a kick good kicking with the right boots can leave a slave body black and blue, but I think the bleeding wounds, My favorite single tail make when I am into real punishing a slave, are also damaging his skin. Nevertheless, without really understanding, I see that spurred boots indeed are feared more than a harsh whipping till bleeding. I wonder if any Mistress also has experiences on this, and what about slaves? Do you also fear boots more than whips? I want to know.
Lady Contessa Pat
So, once again, I want to know what you readers think of this and why
Lady Contessa Pat
Dear Lady contessa pat.
ReplyDeleteI would fear your boots more. Especially your scraper boots and your piercer boots. They can cause serious damage and it would be an honour for you to try them out on me.
Slaveboy Simon