I just read an article in a blog about a Mistress that got attacked by her “slave” during a whipping. The guy claimed that she was hitting too hard….???!!!!!
I think this is soo typical for males: they want to eat the fruits of BDSM, but not the consequences.
To avoid that slaves might stand up against me during a whipping or other punishment, I always cuff and chain My slaves when I whip them real hard (as a punishment).
From several experiences, I know that there are always four phases in this process: first, they play along, showing how tough they are (hahahahahaaaaa…..), but when you start to hit harder, they soon beg to stop. When you then don’t, they get angry after a while and start to threaten. It is iduring this phase that handcuffs are necessary! Neglecting this rule can be unpleasant and frustrating as I not that long ago experienced Myself.
Anyway, If however you have them secured and if you neglect their rage, you will finally see that they will restart begging you to stop. The latter however will proven to be different. More humble, more submissive, more sincere ……!
That is the time they have given up their male macho pride. At that moment, You really have broken them!
It then is mandatory not to release them yet as the risk of getting angry again is real in this stage. Instead, I keep them chained for a few more hours letting them cool down, while I explain them in detail what the consequences are of the next choices he’ll have to make.
Or they can leave after that and never show up again. No hard feelings, no blaming. But, I always make clear to them that if they leave, they can never ever come back and will loose an unique relationship.
The other choice is that they accept My full ownership over them, accepting really everything from Me. But that, at the same time, they can avoid a whipping to the bone like that if they obey My every whim. That I will be fair and not punish them like that if they behave 100% according to My wishes and that by choosing that option, their reward will be: a strict, but fair Mistress, they can serve for the rest of their lifes!
So after such a punishment, you got yourself a loyal lifetime slave or lost a lousy one. Handcuffs can make the difference!!!
Lady Contessa Pat
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Protective caps
Everyone knows that I like to wear sharp Mexican type spurs at My boots. But, before My mailbox gets filled with angry mails and to avoid any misunderstanding: I never wear them while riding a real horse! So those that tell Me that cruelty towards animals cannot be tolerate can relax.
I used to make My slaves carry Me towards the stables for a ride. In the beginning I had My slave take another type of spurs with him so he could change the sharp ones with the more classic ones the moment we arrived at My horse.
Since I saw protective plastic caps around spurs in a horseshop I got this idea to use such caps over some of My spurs to ride a real horse.
Like that I could wear sharp (small) roweltype spurs for riding My human ponyslave towards the stables, while simple placing of protective caps makes the spurs suitable for a real horseback ride. When returning, they can be easily removed again for use on human ponyslaves….
Of course this does not work for all My spurs, as for most of them, there are no protective caps available.
Lady Contessa Pat
Thursday, December 1, 2011
A drink for a slave
Some years ago, I had this slave who had a fetish to be pissed on by a Woman.
That was why I only did this on him if I wanted to reward him. If however today I piss on marc or jan on the other hand, it is just to punish or humiliate them. Simply because it is not a fetish of them and is only humiliating to them.
Anyway, lately I was thinking on this when I was writing for My fantasy-group (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lcpcf), more specifically about that system I used to use on him to get My piss into his mouth without much spilling. It was simple: I made him lay down, face up, mouth open and I held a whip in front of Me, the major part right under My pussy, the other end just in his mouth. Like that, My jet hit the leather string and flew down along it straight into My slave’s mouth. And, except in the beginning and in the end, the spill was limited. No need to tell you of course that afterwards, I made him lick up the spilled urine from the ground!
I also remember that one day I had used the wet whip on him (normally I made him lick the whip clean and dry it off). The result was that the whip was somewhat heavier and had more impact at each hit. Like that, the leather also got dried a bit as the urine was splashed over his back. Maybe this is just a stupid experience, but as I was writing for My fantasy-group, I was thinking of it and thought I could share this experience.
Lady Contessa Pat
That was why I only did this on him if I wanted to reward him. If however today I piss on marc or jan on the other hand, it is just to punish or humiliate them. Simply because it is not a fetish of them and is only humiliating to them.
Anyway, lately I was thinking on this when I was writing for My fantasy-group (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lcpcf), more specifically about that system I used to use on him to get My piss into his mouth without much spilling. It was simple: I made him lay down, face up, mouth open and I held a whip in front of Me, the major part right under My pussy, the other end just in his mouth. Like that, My jet hit the leather string and flew down along it straight into My slave’s mouth. And, except in the beginning and in the end, the spill was limited. No need to tell you of course that afterwards, I made him lick up the spilled urine from the ground!
I also remember that one day I had used the wet whip on him (normally I made him lick the whip clean and dry it off). The result was that the whip was somewhat heavier and had more impact at each hit. Like that, the leather also got dried a bit as the urine was splashed over his back. Maybe this is just a stupid experience, but as I was writing for My fantasy-group, I was thinking of it and thought I could share this experience.
Lady Contessa Pat
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
A reader sent Me the following reaction:
"And for the first time in My life, I was facing the fact that I could whip My slaves only because they allowed Me to do so" I'm really hoping that you are living in a fantasy world because this sudden realisation is otherwise baffling for anyone with a modicum of real experience. Consent is the first and most basic tenet of any power-based relationship. Consent is what separates sane people from crazy abusers who keep people locked up in their basement against their will. Ferns
Of Course I do not agree with "ferns" for the following reasons:
I think that slaves, asking conscent is a contradiction in terminis. I know many males demand that in a what they call a slave-Mistress relationship, but I think that is just nonsense!
It is only interesting for a wife that wants to please her husband and “plays” along. Not for a real sadistic Dominante!
And indeed, I was a little bit disappointed that My power over My slaves was limited to what they allow Me to do. In that way there is always some “conscent” in general. But, when this is also the case during a whipping or other punishment, I can hardly call the One holding the whiphandle a Domme. In such a case, the one really in charge is not the “Mistress” but the one that calls himself (or herself) a “slave”.
So, in general, of course there is “conscent” between Me and My slaves, but if they agree to become My slaves, they must take the consequences of being a slave as well!
And indeed, I have had a few cases where I went beyond what the slave “allowed”. Of course he could leave after that, but during the punishment, I was free to do with him as I liked. That is the main reason why I always cuff and chain My slaves when I want to whip them as a punishment.
What is a punishment afterall worth if One stops at the point where the one at the other side of the whip wants it to stop? What is a punishment if the one at the business end of the whip likes the whipping?
And, believe Me: the whippings beyond the limits are the most thrilling and arousing ones I ever administered. The helplessness of the slave made Me each time wet and hot like hell and it is even hard to stop when in such a mood!
So I don’t think I am crazy when I treat My slaves like slaves and whip them real hard when I want to punish them. There has been a time I wasn’t sure about this, but today I KNOW, despite some people that claim otherwise and I wonder what the other readers think of it.
Lady Contessa Pat
P.S. The scars on dirk’s back were mainly Myriam’s as the picture was taken before the actual whipping game.
"And for the first time in My life, I was facing the fact that I could whip My slaves only because they allowed Me to do so" I'm really hoping that you are living in a fantasy world because this sudden realisation is otherwise baffling for anyone with a modicum of real experience. Consent is the first and most basic tenet of any power-based relationship. Consent is what separates sane people from crazy abusers who keep people locked up in their basement against their will. Ferns
Of Course I do not agree with "ferns" for the following reasons:
I think that slaves, asking conscent is a contradiction in terminis. I know many males demand that in a what they call a slave-Mistress relationship, but I think that is just nonsense!
It is only interesting for a wife that wants to please her husband and “plays” along. Not for a real sadistic Dominante!
And indeed, I was a little bit disappointed that My power over My slaves was limited to what they allow Me to do. In that way there is always some “conscent” in general. But, when this is also the case during a whipping or other punishment, I can hardly call the One holding the whiphandle a Domme. In such a case, the one really in charge is not the “Mistress” but the one that calls himself (or herself) a “slave”.
So, in general, of course there is “conscent” between Me and My slaves, but if they agree to become My slaves, they must take the consequences of being a slave as well!
And indeed, I have had a few cases where I went beyond what the slave “allowed”. Of course he could leave after that, but during the punishment, I was free to do with him as I liked. That is the main reason why I always cuff and chain My slaves when I want to whip them as a punishment.
What is a punishment afterall worth if One stops at the point where the one at the other side of the whip wants it to stop? What is a punishment if the one at the business end of the whip likes the whipping?
And, believe Me: the whippings beyond the limits are the most thrilling and arousing ones I ever administered. The helplessness of the slave made Me each time wet and hot like hell and it is even hard to stop when in such a mood!
So I don’t think I am crazy when I treat My slaves like slaves and whip them real hard when I want to punish them. There has been a time I wasn’t sure about this, but today I KNOW, despite some people that claim otherwise and I wonder what the other readers think of it.
Lady Contessa Pat
P.S. The scars on dirk’s back were mainly Myriam’s as the picture was taken before the actual whipping game.
Last weekend there was our annual weekend with some friends in France. This year, the event was near Cambrai, and for the first time, I took Myriam with Me. The only problem We faced was that with the leaving of Wim, We were short of one slave as the idea is and was that each Mistress brought in two slaves. We had planned that wim, together with dirk would be Myriam’s while jan and marc would accompany Me as Mine. In a hurry, we’d tried to find a new one for Myriam, but time was short and finally we had to ask one of the other participants to bring an extra slave. Not that it mattered much as all the slaves were gathered upon arrival and that all Ladies present were able to bid on the slaves during a slave auction. Each Lady got a hundred fictional euros (made by the host I guess) that could be used to pay for the slaves. The “bought” slaves were the owners property for the evening, but it was not allowed to “buy” your own slaves. I was more cautious and did not bid for the two most stunning athletic slaves (like Myriam did). Instead, I was able to buy two excellent bootlickers! On top of that, one of them won the “sandbag race”, a race where the slaves were longed and had to run rounds at the longe (with a25 kg sandbag on their shoulders), urged by the Mistress whip. Time to run ten rounds was recorded, and andre, My slave won! As a reward, I was offered to whip the last one. Indeed, it is the Lady owner who wins, but the slave who looses….
He also was very good in the all fours ponyrace where he was second although I really had kicked him very hard, but the one that won was in such a advantage as his rider was skinny and wighted maybe less than fifty kilos. Some others like dirk, were less fortunate as his rider was a more, lets say, volumptuous lady that did not spare her crop during the ride. In this game, the looser was brought to justice in a circle circumfered by the six of Us. he was blindfolded and had to look for his Mistress while staying on his knees. We from Our side formed “le cercle botté”, the booted circle. And We kicked the slave each time he came close enough to one of Us. I only had the chance to kick him once, and even then I only hit him sideways, but some of the Ladies really got him as she waited and made him come closer and closer before she swung her leg and hit him full frontal. Laurence, Our host had a whip to speed him up in case he was slowing down. Of course She also had provided a delicious meal and lots of excuisite drinks, like French do. It was a nice evening, although I have had better ones in France. Myriam was delighted with the party and although she hardly speaks French, She managed to make her slaves do everything she wanted. dirk was less fortunate as he had been severely abused by Madame Jeanine
Lady Contessa Pat
P.S. unfortunately for My blog, the party was a “no photograph party” so We have no pictures of it.
He also was very good in the all fours ponyrace where he was second although I really had kicked him very hard, but the one that won was in such a advantage as his rider was skinny and wighted maybe less than fifty kilos. Some others like dirk, were less fortunate as his rider was a more, lets say, volumptuous lady that did not spare her crop during the ride. In this game, the looser was brought to justice in a circle circumfered by the six of Us. he was blindfolded and had to look for his Mistress while staying on his knees. We from Our side formed “le cercle botté”, the booted circle. And We kicked the slave each time he came close enough to one of Us. I only had the chance to kick him once, and even then I only hit him sideways, but some of the Ladies really got him as she waited and made him come closer and closer before she swung her leg and hit him full frontal. Laurence, Our host had a whip to speed him up in case he was slowing down. Of course She also had provided a delicious meal and lots of excuisite drinks, like French do. It was a nice evening, although I have had better ones in France. Myriam was delighted with the party and although she hardly speaks French, She managed to make her slaves do everything she wanted. dirk was less fortunate as he had been severely abused by Madame Jeanine
Lady Contessa Pat
P.S. unfortunately for My blog, the party was a “no photograph party” so We have no pictures of it.
pony riding
Sunday, November 13, 2011
A proving game
When I was chitchatting with Myriam yesterday, I told her about an experience I had years ago in France, where slaves had to try to take an object from a table while We were standing atop of it trying to avoid that. As I explained it more in detail I remembered another similar game I had been playing before where a slave had to take an object from a table while the Mistress tried to hit his hands with a whip. Let’s play a game like that with dirk she said, and we started to invent on the spot a game that could met our sadistic hunger.
Like that, dirk was cuffed brought to the cellar and put in the middle of the garage. We explained him in brief the rules of our new game “to test his reactions” and started to demonstrate our “creativity”. The idea was that we’d tell him where we were going to whip and actually whip at that same time. Like that, he could avoid the whip if he’d react fast. If not….
We stood together with our short bullwhips and agreed to whip one by one. The first lashes were purely vertical and struck him from head to lower back. And we whipped him left, right, left, right,…..After a while he got acquainted to the system and anticipated to avoid the leather. From that moment on, we started to change the pattern and whipped randomly left and right. But also in this case, he managed to avoid our whips after a few good hits.
Next level was the fact that I changed direction: “Head!” I yelled all of a sudden and My whip curled around his face. At that moment (too late) I realized that this could be real dangerous for his eyes, but luckily, the leather ripped his lower face and mouth. So I told him to cover his eyes with his hands. The next hit was on his feet. With a wicked smile, Myriam’s whip curled around his lower legs. It appeared to be extremely painfull as dirk screamed it out loud, so, My next lash went to his lower legs as well! Then it became a real random whipping and it appeared that it was nearly impossible for dirk to avoid the leather
It proved that his brain works slower the moment it got more complicated!
We laughed at it and concluded that indeed a male is only good to execute orders from a much more evolved female due to his limited brain capacity. Myriam made him confirm his lower intellectual capacities although he has an university degree…..hahahahahahaaaaa……
Lady Contessa Pat and Madam Myriam
Friday, November 11, 2011
The leaving of a slave
male pigs mismanaging a company cost Me hundred of thousands euros!!!!!! That became clear a few days ago when a firm that still had to pay a few hundred of thousands euros for delivered goods went bankrupt. So I had to release My anger on a male! That is why I ordered wim to lick My riding boots after I had been walking in them in the manege. I knew this was hard for him, but I was in a mood and into a whipping! I called him because I knew like that, I was going to win anyway. Or he did as I ordered and I would have broken him when it came to licking clean My dirty riding boots, or he refused, and I had My outlet valve by half an hour full force whipping!
When he entered the room, I ordered him to kneel down and start licking My left riding boot. Hesitatingly, he told Me that he didn’t like that and that he’d do anything for Me but not eating or licking dirt. Of course that only increased My anger and I asked him if he then preferred a whipping to the bone. To My surprise he told Me that he didn’t want either of it and just wanted to leave. At that moment I realized I had made a mistake. Not only was I going to loose the best human steed I ever had, but also I had forgotten to cuff him so he simply could walk away without a deserved punishment. Outraged, about that, I started to whip him back and forth with a crop I had in My hands, but as he apparently had decide not to stay with Me, he could simply use his arms and hands to protect his body and face to get hit. To My frustration, it was clear that a man like him is much stronger than Me when it comes to brutal force and that a whip alone is very inefficient as a weapon. It was new to Me that the whip did not give Me absolute power over someone! And for the first time in My life, I was facing the fact that I could whip My slaves only because they allowed Me to do so (unless I cuffed and chained them of course).
So, besides that cold shower, I also lost a very attractive slave. he left Me with a feeling of regret and pure anger. Do I need to tell that marc and jan paid for it?
And all this just because a few fools mismanaged a company resulting in huge financial losses!
Lady Contessa Pat
When he entered the room, I ordered him to kneel down and start licking My left riding boot. Hesitatingly, he told Me that he didn’t like that and that he’d do anything for Me but not eating or licking dirt. Of course that only increased My anger and I asked him if he then preferred a whipping to the bone. To My surprise he told Me that he didn’t want either of it and just wanted to leave. At that moment I realized I had made a mistake. Not only was I going to loose the best human steed I ever had, but also I had forgotten to cuff him so he simply could walk away without a deserved punishment. Outraged, about that, I started to whip him back and forth with a crop I had in My hands, but as he apparently had decide not to stay with Me, he could simply use his arms and hands to protect his body and face to get hit. To My frustration, it was clear that a man like him is much stronger than Me when it comes to brutal force and that a whip alone is very inefficient as a weapon. It was new to Me that the whip did not give Me absolute power over someone! And for the first time in My life, I was facing the fact that I could whip My slaves only because they allowed Me to do so (unless I cuffed and chained them of course).
So, besides that cold shower, I also lost a very attractive slave. he left Me with a feeling of regret and pure anger. Do I need to tell that marc and jan paid for it?
And all this just because a few fools mismanaged a company resulting in huge financial losses!
Lady Contessa Pat
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Look in the mirror!
In the riding club there was this guy who always hung around Me and My friends. Originally, he came to the manege as a chaperone to his daughter, but since a few months he came to the manege on his own (as he got divorced he told me).
I already knew that he was interested in Me because he took all opportunity to tell Me that I am a very beautiful woman, that I ride very elegant,…. And so on. He once said that if they’d organize a beauty contest in the manege, I’d win that without any question. At least when it was him who had to decide….he said. He did not realize that, like all women, I like compliments on My looks and so, but when he really wants to touch Me he’d better tell Me about the power I radiate, about My dominant nature, that I would be a excellent slaver, a good camp commander, a terrific plantation owner or Captain on a galley,…
I guess he figured it out right now, because last week again, he joined us for a drink after a riding session. When our companions later in the evening left one by one, just the two of us remained and the general talking changed immediately as if he had been waiting for this opportunity. First he told Me again how good looking I was in My riding outfit and that it must have been a hell of a job to get My boots clean and shiny for each riding.
Maybe I blushed and he’d noticed, but he added after a minute of silence that he’d loved to do that for Me…. As we had been gossiping before that he was quite weird, choleric and not to be trusted as rumours went that he had been beating his ex-wife, I told him that I simly was not interested, stood up and left.
Two days later, he asked me if I had rejected him because he was rather poor and didn’t wear the fanciest clothes. When I told him that was not the case, and that there was no need for pushing as I was not going to change My mind on him, he got angry and blamed Me that I was just feeling too good for him and that I treated him like a nobody.
I told him that it had nothing to do with his social, nor financial position, but that I simply wasn’t interested in a guy who thinks that when he makes advances, a woman should respond on that anyway.
Indeed, it is always the same with those guys. They always put the blame on you when you reject them and never seek the reason in their own behaviour.
I have the same feeling with some guys that I often chat with on the net. There is this young man who thinks his age makes that I am not interested in him
And this German guy who seems to be very ill and probably in hospital telling Me often that it is his illness that prevents me from seeing him. It is strange, but men always seem to think that a rejection is due to their looks, physical condition or age. None of them even considers that the cause of the rejection simply could be their behaviour!
This is pure male chauvinism. They deceive themselves with the idea that it is the woman that don’t want them because of something they cannot change or something that is not their fault (like looks, physical shape,…). They don’t see that it is their behaviour that makes them impossible as a slave. Also, some of them clearly are only looking for their own pleasure and not for serving and pleasing their Mistress. And then they are surprised I am not interested!!!!!
So, look in the mirror before you blame a Lady to reject you!
Lady Contessa Pat
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Training wim
When I first met wim, he told Me he’d do anything for Me except eating dirt or horseshit or so. At that time I did not react nor showed My surprise. I simply thought to Myself that making him eat dirt would be a challenge for Me and that in the end I would make him eat anything I ordered. I remember having done this before with another slave! Last weekend, the time had arrived to take up the challenge. So, I had called wim in and had ordered him to bring a clean shirt and his toothbrush. The fool thought he was facing a rewarding night with his Mistress. Instead half an hour later he was facing the dirty ribbed soles of My hiking boots! I had been hiking in the woods and all kinds of dirt and mud had gathered between the wide ribs. So, I made him use his toothbrush to remove the thicker parts of dirt and mud, while he had to use his clean shirt to make them shine again. After that, I order him to brush his teeth without cleaning the brush prior to it. I watched him while he did so and told him it was the beginning of a training to make him lick My dirty boots clean whenever I wanted that, no matter how dirty they were… Surprisingly, he did not react nor objected. Must have been that he noticed the whip I had in My hands or maybe he simply realised the consequences of disobedience. Anyway, after that, I made him pull on his shirt that was full of smeared dirt and I send him back home. At that moment he wanted to utter his surprise, but My whip made it clear that I was not into discussion…..
Lady Contessa Pat
And after
Lady Contessa Pat
And after
Monday, September 26, 2011
Becoming a Mistress...
Me picking up our horses for the ride
Last time when I came at Myriam’s to go for a ride in our riding club, I told her that dirk didn’t greet Me the way he used to do (when he was still Mine) and certainly not in the way that can be expected from a slave. First she was surprised, but then the fool rushed into our conversation. I guess the surprise and anger was written on My face, because Myriam immediately slapped him in the face, yelling at him that he should never interrupt when Mistresses are talking. And when I told her this confirmed My statement that he needed more and more severe training, she hit him with a crop that lay on a little table.
Then I did something very wicked: Dead calm, but with some acted disappointment in My voice, I asked if she allowed her slave to act like that in the presence of her friend. Of course she did not!
Within two minutes, he was strapped to a radiator pipe (something she learned from Me) his back fully exposed to her eager whip. Indeed Myriam had a gorgeous black singletail while I sat in the coach to watch how she’d punish her slave. And she did! That Woman had become a real Mistress!!! What a turnover that woman had made from that Christmas evening she admitted she had dominant feelings. Indeed, when I pushed her by asking to make him bleed for Me, she started to hit My former slave full force all over his body. First the stripes she created were red, then the stripes evolved in little wounds, and after five minutes, blood was coming out of several of them. All the time, dirk screamed and screamed and begged us to stop. By then Myriam clearly was aroused that she started to rub her pussy with her other hand. That is the time you need at least two slaves I thought. Unfortunately, she only had one, and I had not brought mine. Nevertheless, she managed to rub herself to orgasm!!!! Than I stood up, walked around her and kissed her neck. “Congratulations Darling” I said softly. “You have proven to be a real Mistress…..” and I thanked her for punishing her slave for Me….
As we didn’t wanted both to be late for the ride, I already rode off (by car) to the riding club to get our horses, while Myriam could take a shower before joining Me.
And dirk? I told her to leave him cuffed to the radiator and release him when we were coming back.
Lady Contessa Pat (with the approval of “Mistress” Myriam)
Last time when I came at Myriam’s to go for a ride in our riding club, I told her that dirk didn’t greet Me the way he used to do (when he was still Mine) and certainly not in the way that can be expected from a slave. First she was surprised, but then the fool rushed into our conversation. I guess the surprise and anger was written on My face, because Myriam immediately slapped him in the face, yelling at him that he should never interrupt when Mistresses are talking. And when I told her this confirmed My statement that he needed more and more severe training, she hit him with a crop that lay on a little table.
Then I did something very wicked: Dead calm, but with some acted disappointment in My voice, I asked if she allowed her slave to act like that in the presence of her friend. Of course she did not!
Within two minutes, he was strapped to a radiator pipe (something she learned from Me) his back fully exposed to her eager whip. Indeed Myriam had a gorgeous black singletail while I sat in the coach to watch how she’d punish her slave. And she did! That Woman had become a real Mistress!!! What a turnover that woman had made from that Christmas evening she admitted she had dominant feelings. Indeed, when I pushed her by asking to make him bleed for Me, she started to hit My former slave full force all over his body. First the stripes she created were red, then the stripes evolved in little wounds, and after five minutes, blood was coming out of several of them. All the time, dirk screamed and screamed and begged us to stop. By then Myriam clearly was aroused that she started to rub her pussy with her other hand. That is the time you need at least two slaves I thought. Unfortunately, she only had one, and I had not brought mine. Nevertheless, she managed to rub herself to orgasm!!!! Than I stood up, walked around her and kissed her neck. “Congratulations Darling” I said softly. “You have proven to be a real Mistress…..” and I thanked her for punishing her slave for Me….
As we didn’t wanted both to be late for the ride, I already rode off (by car) to the riding club to get our horses, while Myriam could take a shower before joining Me.
And dirk? I told her to leave him cuffed to the radiator and release him when we were coming back.
Lady Contessa Pat (with the approval of “Mistress” Myriam)
Thursday, September 22, 2011
New horse
Not that long ago, a guy told Me that I am afraid of young steeds. (Of course, this was purely out of frustration that I did not found him fit to serve Me and become My slave.) Now, especially for him: you see I DO ride young steeds as well and don’t stick to middle aged “oxes” as you call them…..hahahahahahahaaaaa….
Lady Contessa Pat
Friday, September 9, 2011
I am sooooo disappointed that I hardly got reactions on the whipping I gave marc because of his jealousy! Of course many of you contacted Me via mail or chat, but nobody openly supported Me in My reaction on their behaviour. On top of that, some of these mails told Me that I am a crazy bitch damaging someone like I did with marc. one even said that I should be locked up!
No need to tell you that I am disappointed! you seem to forget that marc is with Me on his own free will!!!!!! he deliberately choose himself to live this life and to dedicate his life to Me. It was all stated before and written down in a contract that I can do with him AS I LIKE, even if this would result in damage to his body!!!!!! he agreed on that! NO he begged to underwrite this declaration!!!!!
On top of that I must tell you that I am NOT a bitch whipping the shit out of My slaves every day! I am always kind to My slaves, giving them enough food, only whipping them mildly to encourage them as slaves, in the way they like it and so on. However, when they misbehave, I feel free to punish them for real! Real corporal punishment, not toying around like I daily do!!!! What is a Mistress who only punishes a misbehaving slave in the way he likes it????? In many cases that is rewarding, not punishing!!! he will simply get what he wants by misbehaving! In these cases, he will keep on misbehaving. Is that the idea you have of a Mistress???????
Lady Contessa Pat
No need to tell you that I am disappointed! you seem to forget that marc is with Me on his own free will!!!!!! he deliberately choose himself to live this life and to dedicate his life to Me. It was all stated before and written down in a contract that I can do with him AS I LIKE, even if this would result in damage to his body!!!!!! he agreed on that! NO he begged to underwrite this declaration!!!!!
On top of that I must tell you that I am NOT a bitch whipping the shit out of My slaves every day! I am always kind to My slaves, giving them enough food, only whipping them mildly to encourage them as slaves, in the way they like it and so on. However, when they misbehave, I feel free to punish them for real! Real corporal punishment, not toying around like I daily do!!!! What is a Mistress who only punishes a misbehaving slave in the way he likes it????? In many cases that is rewarding, not punishing!!! he will simply get what he wants by misbehaving! In these cases, he will keep on misbehaving. Is that the idea you have of a Mistress???????
Lady Contessa Pat
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Jealousy amongst slaves
I knew it was going to created friction between them, but I thought I shouldn’t care about that as long as it suited My pleasure. So after long hesitation, I took a third slave in house. Not that he was that new to Me as I had been seeing him regularly and tested him thoroughly, but a slave is always different when he is in the house and especially when there are more of them. The first two weeks everything went fine. marc and jan seemed to accept the new one. they considered themselves as “closer” to Me than wim, the new guy. But as soon as I spoke of wim as an example, I started to feel the friction between them. Especially between marc and wim. But the real trouble must have started a few weeka ago, when I felt horny and ordered wim to join Me to the bedroom. As he immediately appeared to be the best sexslave I ever had (wim is a phantastic masseur and is a wizard with his tongue!), I couldn’t get enough of him and I slept with him several times, and even took him upstairs during the day to toy around. A few days ago, the situation exploded. And I think it all started more or less in the morning. marc, who had been doing the lawn, was waiting in the corner on his knees as I came to inspect his work sitting atop wim’s shoulders. Like always I had remarks on the lawn and drove wim towards marc. I hit him a few times with My quirt while I still comfortably sat on wim’s shoulders.
Since it was hot (after all it is summer!) I wore only an open shirt and shorts so My thighs made intense contact with his neck. I told him about the sensual feeling and that it made Me wet. Due to this I think I whipped marc rather hard. Anyway, marc only begged and moaned and after about five minutes I stopped as I had an appointment with a friend to go shopping.
However, when I returned a few hours later, I saw that marc and wim had been fighting! Of course that was something I could not leave unpunished! So I ordered both to get on their knees in front of Me and tell their story one by one, but after a few minutes, they started shouting at each other so I had to use My whip to shut them up. As it clearly was a case of jealousy, I ordered marc to excuse himself towards wim. I was astonished when I heard him saying he’d not do that!!!!! Outraged about his refusing to execute a direct order from Me, I started to hit him real hard. And than, an even more unbelievable thing happened as marc lifted his arms and tried to defend himself against the fierce lashes!!! Unseen and unexpected as he had been whipped by Me before with far more painful whips. I stopped in surprise but told him he’d be sorry for that and that he’d pay for that. Then I did an excellent thing by sending wim out of the room, because marc immediately cooled down and said to Me that it was not meant towards Me and that I could whip the shit out of him if I liked, but not in a dispute with wim. I told him that I was angry because of his refusal to accept My judgment and to stand up against Me, and not because of the dispute itself. Again he said that he’d take anything from Me personally, a statement I immediately took advantage of by saying that in that case he’d accept Me punishing him for it. he agreed with that (probably because he got scared I’d dump him) as long as it was not in the presence of wim. Five minutes later, marc was cuffed to the outside of his cage in the cellar and he took his punishment like a real loyal slave (as always). And believe Me, I really hit full force with one of My very cruel singletails making his back bleed all over.
marc does not know, but after that, I took wim to my bedroom where he was whipped as well before I ordered him to kiss and lick My wet pussy. I orgasmed twice!
So slaveboys, you see what jealousy can lead to, but I must admit that I secretly liked it that two slaves were fighting for Me….
Lady Contessa Pat
P.S. I wonder if any of you also experienced jealousy amongst slaves and how you Dommes dealt with that.
And of course I’d like to read how you slaves think you’d react in either marc’s of wim’s case.
slave training,
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Some time ago I visited Praha where we found the following:
I thought this would be a proper way to keep houseslaves at a level that suit them: at Our boots!
Just to be sure that is was not alive, I have prodded it with the tip of My boot….
Lady Contessa Pat
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Face scrapers!

Can you imagine what happens when these scrape over your back or face? What they can do with skin….?
Lady Contessa Pat
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Looking for a slave
We are currently looking for a ponyboy that will be prepared to give sexual and other services to a Lady in her 50’s. The service also will involve household work and gardening as well as stable duties in the region of Brussels and Mechelen (Belgium). Absolute discrecy is expected and must be guaranteed.
In return She will ride you on a regular base.
The acceptance of corporal punishment is a must, but no, so called, painsluts will be considered. (I will personally make sure they’ll never ask for pain again if one like that would show up!).
Healthy candidates that have the physics to carry a person in the neck (eventually using a special saddle) for at least one hour can send an e-mail to madam_kommandante @ yahoo.com
Only serious candidates will be looked at.
Lady Contessa Pat and Lady Myriam
In return She will ride you on a regular base.
The acceptance of corporal punishment is a must, but no, so called, painsluts will be considered. (I will personally make sure they’ll never ask for pain again if one like that would show up!).
Healthy candidates that have the physics to carry a person in the neck (eventually using a special saddle) for at least one hour can send an e-mail to madam_kommandante @ yahoo.com
Only serious candidates will be looked at.
Lady Contessa Pat and Lady Myriam
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Another riding
The following again is another blog I had written a few months ago on Yahoo:
As it looks like many of you are interested in ponyriding, I will tell you about another riding experience I had a few years ago was with a French Domme, whose name I even don’t remember (I only met her once during a private party in France). After a night of drinking and abusing slaves, she persuaded another Mistress to borrow her slavegirl for a ride.
The champaign that had been flowing very abundantly must have made the Lady owner of the girl reckless because it was clear to Me that the girl who was the only slavegirl at the party was no match for her new rider. The Mistress was at least thirty kilos heavier than the girl, who was rather a skin and bones type and on top of that rather small. But her Mistress agreed and with that, the little girl was trapped. Next the “cavaliere” ordered her own slave to get her “bottes”. Her Western boots. Bright red ones with unbelievable cruel looking Mexican spurs. I am going to have a “rodeo” she announced proudly as more eyes were directed to her. From that moment on I realized that alcohol is a dangerous thing in a Mistress-slave relationship.
She challenged the girl to throw her off, and she promised a reward if “la petite”, as she called the little girl, would succeed. She herself on the other hand of course would try to remain “seated”. So after a few minutes, the lady swung her heavy leg over the girl that was waiting on all fours for her new Mistress. In the beginning, there was no problem, and the girl tried to do as ordered. But, after a few minutes, the Mistress started to urge the little girl to try better. I think it was more to demonstrate her own supremacy and cruelty instead of really enjoying the ride. Or maybe she wanted to damage the young girl with her spurs (it was not clear to Me if they had met before or not, but I got the impression they did). Indeed after a while she was clamping her heavy legs around the girls waist, pinning the girl with her spurs. And with each movement of her the pins dug in her body. At the same time, her rider was whipping her to become more “active” and to try better.
As everyone could see coming, the owner of the girl had to intervene and with the aid of two other Mistresses she ended the show. It came not too soon because the drunk lady already had damaged her slavegirl with her cruel spurs. Although I understood the intervention, it all made Me hot and horny like hell. And, although I realized that it was the right decision, I was a little bit disappointed that the amazon rider had to stop her demonstration. Of course she did not like that and started to argue with two or three other Ladies present. I do know that it is hard to stop when One is getting so excited, especially for a dominant.
Lady Contessa Pat
As it looks like many of you are interested in ponyriding, I will tell you about another riding experience I had a few years ago was with a French Domme, whose name I even don’t remember (I only met her once during a private party in France). After a night of drinking and abusing slaves, she persuaded another Mistress to borrow her slavegirl for a ride.
The champaign that had been flowing very abundantly must have made the Lady owner of the girl reckless because it was clear to Me that the girl who was the only slavegirl at the party was no match for her new rider. The Mistress was at least thirty kilos heavier than the girl, who was rather a skin and bones type and on top of that rather small. But her Mistress agreed and with that, the little girl was trapped. Next the “cavaliere” ordered her own slave to get her “bottes”. Her Western boots. Bright red ones with unbelievable cruel looking Mexican spurs. I am going to have a “rodeo” she announced proudly as more eyes were directed to her. From that moment on I realized that alcohol is a dangerous thing in a Mistress-slave relationship.
She challenged the girl to throw her off, and she promised a reward if “la petite”, as she called the little girl, would succeed. She herself on the other hand of course would try to remain “seated”. So after a few minutes, the lady swung her heavy leg over the girl that was waiting on all fours for her new Mistress. In the beginning, there was no problem, and the girl tried to do as ordered. But, after a few minutes, the Mistress started to urge the little girl to try better. I think it was more to demonstrate her own supremacy and cruelty instead of really enjoying the ride. Or maybe she wanted to damage the young girl with her spurs (it was not clear to Me if they had met before or not, but I got the impression they did). Indeed after a while she was clamping her heavy legs around the girls waist, pinning the girl with her spurs. And with each movement of her the pins dug in her body. At the same time, her rider was whipping her to become more “active” and to try better.
As everyone could see coming, the owner of the girl had to intervene and with the aid of two other Mistresses she ended the show. It came not too soon because the drunk lady already had damaged her slavegirl with her cruel spurs. Although I understood the intervention, it all made Me hot and horny like hell. And, although I realized that it was the right decision, I was a little bit disappointed that the amazon rider had to stop her demonstration. Of course she did not like that and started to argue with two or three other Ladies present. I do know that it is hard to stop when One is getting so excited, especially for a dominant.
Lady Contessa Pat
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Whip or boots?

The following is a message I sent a few months ago on My Yahoo-blog. As this Yahoo-feature will shut down, I resend the blogs on it to this one. The following is the first from a series:
I want to come back to a message I published on My blog some time ago The reason is that I got a mail from someone who was supprised that My slaves are in general more frightened for My boots than My whipsYesterday, I was discussing the effects of boots and spurs on a slave’s behaviour. Since years I have discovered that My slaves are far more afraid for My boots, and especially when I have some spurs attached to them. It always surprises Me as I think that My whip is far more cruel and can cause much more pain, being able to make very nasty stripes without so little effort of Me. He told Me that it is not the pain he is so afraid of, but rather the damage My boots and spurs can do to a slave’s body. I have seen that indeed a kick good kicking with the right boots can leave a slave body black and blue, but I think the bleeding wounds, My favorite single tail make when I am into real punishing a slave, are also damaging his skin. Nevertheless, without really understanding, I see that spurred boots indeed are feared more than a harsh whipping till bleeding. I wonder if any Mistress also has experiences on this, and what about slaves? Do you also fear boots more than whips? I want to know.
Lady Contessa Pat
So, once again, I want to know what you readers think of this and why
Lady Contessa Pat
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Second try
Since a few weeks, yahoo closed its blogging-feature. As I used it for a few months, I have to change again. And I decided to return to My previous one.
Therefore I will resend blogs I posted during My Yahoo-period to this blog site for the next weeks coming.
Don’t you forget to comment!
Lady COntessa Pat
Therefore I will resend blogs I posted during My Yahoo-period to this blog site for the next weeks coming.
Don’t you forget to comment!
Lady COntessa Pat
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