But then after diner, “interrogation night”
came….!!!! For the occasion, most of Us had changed into an appropriate outfit.
Like Carla, who showed up in the most sexy and probably for the slaves
intimidating outfit. I had seen her before in her Nazi-uniform but never realized
how brutally sexy She was in it. I always thought it only radiated sadism and
infinite power. Maybe it was the combination with Her high heeled boots? Anyway,
when I saw Her, I felt sorry I did not go for that as well instead of My casual
All of Us had put our name on a paper,
together with a secret word that was
only known by each of Us and Our slave. As already explained, it was the
slave’s task to keep it secret and not reveal it to another Mistress. So We put
the papers in a special box that was closed. Then We drew numbers to see whose
slave We’d be questioning. I had number 3 which meant that Marlon’s slave,
thomas, a good looking thirty something slave. Since his native language was
the same as Mine I was able to questioning him in My own language.
After the little “lottery”, We All withdrew
in Our own “room” and We had five minutes to bind, cuff, chain, fix or
“prepare” our “subjects”. After this five minutes, we came back to the lounge,
had a final drink wishing each other success and klaus, Charlotte’s slave gave
the starting sign. Originally, We thought
of Charlotte or Myself as a referee, but We could not
withhold any of Us such an exciting game!
So klaus, Charlotte’s personal slave it was. We all hurried to Our room and then,
maybe the most mercyless cruel, brutal, but arousing….. ten minutes at the same
time in one place took place. Each room an erotic orgy of cruelty, brutality
and sadism.
Although thomas was said to be a tough
slave, I did not have to go that far, because after only four or five lashes in
his face, he already begged Me to stop and told Me his secret word was “Bullepees”
(Dutch for bullwhip). So I hurried to the lounge. To My delight no other
“Chatte” was present which meant that I had won! Afterwards, Marlon told Me
that probably she had too much frightened thomas for Me and that he’d probably
already shit himself the moment his number was drawn and connected to Me.
Nevertheless: I won!
Less than a minute later, to My surprise,
it was Madame Petra who came through the door.
She did not do much trouble to hide the blood on her whip and Her being
second was even more remarkable since her “prey” was Carla’s slave whose back
clearly showed that he was used to extremely hard whippings! But maybe We all
were a bit foolish because after more than fifteen minutes, Myriam and Marlon
had not arrived yet. They’d probably had the most fun with their slaves or at
least they had enjoyed it much longer!
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Since We decided long ago to keep Our
meetings picture-free,
I cannot show you pictures, but nothing’s wrong with
marc’s front, the day after….
And poor marc? he was “interrogated” by Herrin
(=Mistress) Carla and really had done his best not to let Me down. As a result,
his front and nipples were beaten bloody and he excused himself thoroughly to
Me for revealing the secret word. I did not care. I had won!
(To be continued)
Lady Contessa Pat