Friday, June 21, 2024

New catches?

Last night while riding I encountered two pedestrians who whistled at Us! We turned Our horses and asked them why they whistled. A little bit surprised by Our reaction, the smaller of the two men hesitantly told Us that he found Us “a nice duo” and wanted to show his appreciation by whistling. The other one added that indeed it was a beautiful sight to see two “pretty women” controlling such large animals. I told him defiantly that with the aid of Our spurs and whip We manage easily...

“Wow…” the bigger one said, “…I don't want to argue with You.” And Myriam replied at once that indeed they better obey if We want them to do something! I looked a bit angry at her, because I felt that Her comment was very ambiguous and that I did not want Her to reveal Our “preferences”... At least not that soon to strangers We never met before! She understood immediately and corrected herself saying that, of course, she meant that Our horses had to obey if they did not wanted to feel Our crop.

In the meantime, I noticed that the other one was constantly staring at My riding boots and to provoke him, I gently tapped My boot a few times with My riding crop. Probably as a result of this, he seemed to want to come closer, but I anticipated this and steered My horse a little closer to him Myself. He suddenly seemed to get a bit scared and backed away. The bigger one laughed and said to his friend that he knew it was better not to challenge “the cavalry”… The bigger one then asked if We came from the riding school nearby and he added that maybe they should go there for a drink later... I lied that We weren't from there and never even came there. I said so because I didn't want them to come there since We didn't actually know them at all. 

In order to draw his attention away from the riding school, I told them that we would be back next week, same time same place. The little one immediately replied that he would probably be there then because it was very nice to talk to Us! However, I don't think this was because of our voice...!

“It's not every day you come across two beautiful women like you…” the taller one made it clear that he too was “interested”. Of course, I don't really know yet if that means he would be willing to serve us as Mistresses, but there was clearly “interest”.

If indeed, We would go back next week (not decided yet), We will find out if indeed they meet Our “likes”... Anyway, both said it was nice to talk to us.

This morning, I was thinking about bringing an extra long riding crop next week. I have one that is at least a meter long and I think it will make an impression. I don't know if those men know that, but you don't want to feel a whip like that! I once thrashed a slave with it and that was impressive, if I say so Myself! It was when I had a little discussion with one of My German Friends about which whip is the most painful and We decided to whip a slave the front and back with a different whip and allowed him to stop one of the whips after five hits. I then used such a long riding crop with which I "worked" his front and My Friend used a bullwhip, of at least two meters long, on his back. And indeed, after five strokes he begged Me to stop using the long riding crop and would rather receive a few more severe lashes with the bullwhip!

Lets see what will happen next week…


Lady Contessa Pat


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