Sunday, November 22, 2020

New slavegirl for My Friend Marlon

Yesterday, I had a long telephone call with My Dutch Friend Marlon who told Me that despite the corona crisis, she had a new slavegirl and she said that she could not wait presenting and offering her to Me and our German Friends as soon as the covid-epidemia is over.

I told her that I doubted that it would be a good idea since I am afraid that a tiny novice slavegirl would not be able to stand Charlotte and Petra’s strictness and that they will devour and crush the poor slavegirl. I reminded Marlon on that time when Charlotte toyed around with that tiny and frail young novice slave. I think that even the hardest masochist would not like that! Although she had fully broken him, she was not satisfied with his performance during a race with slaves on all fours. And as a result, She rode him as if riding a rodeo and nearly broke him literally! She bumped on him, whipped and kicked him using her Mexican type spurs, until he collapsed. And then, She started kicking him repeatedly with her Western-boots. Someone had to stop her and calm her down before an “accident” would happen.

Anyway, that is why I dissuade Marlon to bring a frail novice slavegirl to a meeting with Our German Friends. However, Marlon said that she was sure that Our Friends would not treat a slavegirl like they treat male slaves. I told her that I was not sure about that…! She also said that by then she would have trained her new slavegirl to undergo the humiliations and physical ordeals and she told Me that she already had whipped the girl's breasts to bleeding and although tears had ran over her cheeks, she had taken it like a real slave!

I know that all of this is nothing special, but in these times, with limited possibilities to meet people, these small things look special and important.

Lady Contessa Pat



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