Wednesday, December 21, 2016


After the attack in Berlin, I contacted My German friends to check their well being.
All of them were OK of course (none of them lives in Berlin), but I wanted to send them My sympathy.
We all agreed that the authorities should hand this scum over to people like Us for questioning and other “things”. If they knew that they’d get in Our hands when caught, I am sure that they’d think twice before executing a terrorist attack. Dying is one thing, but being tortured for days or weeks before dying is something else! Especially being left at the mercy of merciless Women who could do with them as They like could be a strong discouraging factor! It would be beneficial for both society and Us. Society would get less of these attacks and We would get our free fun!
Unfortunately too many people in our community would oppose to this kind of solutions.
I wonder how you think about that.

Lady Contessa Pat

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