Friday, June 10, 2016

Poll on whips

My slave after a good punishment 
with a lungewhip
From the results of My poll on whips I see that there are lots of foolish choices. 
Some of you clearly have not much experience with the whip since only 4 of you fear the lungewhip (carriage whip)! I can assure you that a good lungewhip is not just pleasant to hear for the One cracking it, but it can make nasty wounds as well and I don’t think any of you would like being whipped with it by Me! (=see pic)

And although I never used it, I believe that  a scourge is one to fear seriously! I have seen a pic of it and I believe that it is only to be used when One wants to damage a slave seriously!

A picture from the net,
 but I don’t know whether it is real
On the other hand I think that the sjambok is overestimated (=see pic), but I guess that with a sjambok it all depends a lot on the type. Maybe I am unlucky not to have the right one?

What a sjambok can do to a slave
Also with the bullwhip and singletail it depends a lot on the type and of course the hardness and condition of the business end.

Most of you seem to underestimate the crop as well. A good crop can be real damaging, but with a crop it depends a lot on how hard you hit. One can use a crop from mild teasing to blood drawing with each hit!

How a slave back looks after a 
whipping with one of My favorite singletails
The biggest fool however is the one who claims he does not fear whips at all. I can assure him that most probably he had not (yet) met a real sadist with a real good whip. Otherwise he would not say such stupid things. I think it is just “healthy” to fear the whip!

Lady Contessa Pat

1 comment:

  1. Lady Contessa Pat, it's not just the fear of the whip. It's because you are the one wielding it.

    Slaveboy Simon
