Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Violence on Women?!!!

Violence on women! Oh I want these bastards at the other side of My whip !!!!!!

And believe Me, they’d regret that they ever laid a hand on a woman !

I wonder how My readers feel about this….


Lady Contessa Pat



  1. ik ben tegen vrouwen geweld maar ook tegen mannen geweld want dat is nog een taboe.
    tenzij de persoon het zelf wilt zoals in een bdsm relatie

    1. Een uitleg als de jouwe is meestal een excuus om geweld tegen vrouwen te minimaliseren. Ik ben het dan ook niet eens met jou. Ik zou het toejuichen, moest geweld van vrouwen tegen mannen wettelijk toegestaan worden. Zie het als een soort positieve discriminatie! Ik zou er in elk geval duchtig gebruik van maken!

      Statements like yours is in most of the cases an excuse to minimize violence against Females. Therefore, I do not agree with you!
      I’d love to see that violence of women against men would be legalized. See it as some kind of positive discrimination! I’d make good use of it. you can count on that!!!!

      Lady Contessa Pat

  2. TOTALLY agree with you! You can not do violence on a woman!

  3. Yes Madam Lady Contessa Pat, absolutely right.


  4. You are so right Lady Contessa, there are not many things so infamous than for a man to hit a Woman. Personally, i am an activist for all rights and we recently (actually at the time of Your post) organised public event in Brussels and went public on several medias to call (again) people's attention on this issue.

  5. Lady Contessa Pat;could assemble a Femforce to Deal out Vengance on any male that would bring violence to Women. A closed all Female Court could hear each case.
    Judgements and Punishments passed Down.
    at once the Prisoners would be taken down. The Courts Sentance Carried out IMMEDIATELY. The Punishments could be carried out by Female Gaurds,the convicted Prisoner could be Humiliated,Berated and Beaten. Keep in Prison until it has been re-educted completly to accept that Women are to be Cherished and Worshiped.

  6. Violence against a woman: a scandal! These people are not men, they are LOOSE, real cowards! They should be put in their proper place. Violence on women: unacceptable, intolerable!
