Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Interesting meeting

Not so long ago, I met a very interesting girl. Although being relatively young, she already knew very well how to get what she wants.
It was on a private party where I got to talk to her by accident, but immediately, we got along.
It appeared that in contrast with Me, she frequents all kinds of fetish and BDSM-parties in Belgium and abroad and although I think she must weigh around 90 kilos, she moved like a tigress and radiated dominance in a way seldom seen.
After some chit-chat, she told me her story: Being a little bit so called volumptuous, she was considered the ugly duckling for years. At that time, boys or men didn’t even look at her. Disappointed by this, one day she decided to give free reign to her dominant nature. As soon as she left her place of birth, she started to change to clothes that expressed more her real feelings. Cheap shoes changed into shiny leather boots, dull skirts became skin fitting leather pants, explicit mascara appeared on her face,…
In no time she felt that many men started to get interested in her like that and that she was all of a sudden in the middle of their attention and admiration. Even when going out with friends she saw that attention shifted from her “natural beauty” friends to her. In the beginning, not really realizing her real power, she hooked on the first boyfriend she could get, but after some months, she realized that she attracted men that were prepared to serve her as a godess. A bit later, she had her first real BDSM-experience. A guy had offered her to become her slave. She said that although she knew he was drunk, he meant his offer. The booze only made him dare to say where he longed for. Two days later she contacted him and they decided to give it a try. Due to this man, she was able to fulfill a old dream to learn how to ride horses and become a horsewoman. She said that the first whipping she administered was with a riding crop she got as a present from him.
She also told me that a guy she was in love with but rejected her at the age of 18, now begs her to become hers! She called it her little revenge. At that time she did not know he was a sub. Now she is in the possiblility to toy with him around!
The bottom line is: Girls, don’t go after a man. Just make them beg for you! I simply don’t understand why women don’t.

Lady Contessa Pat

P.S. I’d love to put a picture of her on My blog, but I must ask her first as I do not want to violate her privacy.


  1. Dear Lady Contessa Pat-

    I don't understand that, either! So many women could have males begging to serve them. And yet they waste their time on alpha males who treat them horribly.


  2. Most Exalted Contessa:-

    Please assure Your friend that there are many of us out here in the world literally begging for the chance to serve beautiful Women like Her and Yourself. She has only to pick and choose which one will amuse Her most, and then train it to please Her.

    If She consents to having Her picture posted on Your blog, a million insects like this humble creature will be incredibly grateful to You Both.

