Monday, October 5, 2009


I read a message from a woman who was attacked by some scum while making a horseback trip. I was disgusted! How does he dare!!!!
A few years ago, I also have changed My regular trail to avoid problems. I used to have the habit of taking the same trail regularly. At a certain time, I found out that a guy showed up every week when I was passing by. After 2 or 3 weeks, he greeted Me and called Me openly “Madam”. A week later, he “accidentally” fell on the ground just before I passed and he excused himself for hindering. Since then, I did not take that trail anymore since it was rather remote. One of My friends at the manege told Me she had to whip a man who tried to touch her (and I am sure she is not dominant). Although I think no man would have to try to attack Me on My horse armed with whip and boots. I think he would be surprised and I am sure he would regret it, but at that time I did not want to take risks. I think bastards like that should be locked away and I would not mind being the Commander-in-Chief of that facility. Of course you all know what than would happen with scum like that!
I know that a lot of males look at Me when riding along and secretly long to kiss My boots. I can simply see it in their eyes but I must admit that riding My horse and sitting high above others makes Me feel very powerful over the low creatures beneath Me. It arises Me extremely. But that does not mean they should do more than look and admire!

Lady Contessa PatPosted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. Madam, I have just discovered your blog and while I'm not sure if a lot of men secretly wish to kiss your boots, I would most definately be honored! I can imagine meeting you in the park behind Manege Alberdienst (Antwerp, linkerover,now closed), we look at each other several moments and then you tap your boot with your crop. I know what to do; I slowly walk closer, so as not to frighten the horse, kneel beside your boots and start to lick them. After the first boot you give me a swift tap on the head with your crop to signal that I need to move to the other boot. I lick them clean as wel, you give me a good swat on the back as thanks and ride on...
    Later on I would be waiting at the manege where I would offer my back as step to help you of your horse, followed up with another bootcleaning, while you are sipping a glas of champagne. I then proceed to remove saddle, harness and brush the horse down while you enjoy the company of other riders in the lounge! When done change into chauffeur mode, incl dress jacket, cap and driving gloves. Madem deserves the full treatment; opening doors, helping into the car, carry luggage...
    Hoping Madame finds my little scenario a pleasant distraction?
